Thank you to everyone for being patient
Post date: Feb 03, 2019 5:58:7 AM
We did it, our week of winter is leaving and warmer air is moving in. Thank you to everyone for being patient. And don’t let anyone kid ya there are a lot of really great people in Scio Farms. Good Appreciative people - so many offered me and my crew their bathroom, invited us in to warm up and asked if we were thirsty. I came home two times this week to find wonderful gifts on my porch at the front door. It’s tough sometimes but I am very proud to be part of this great big imperfect community - and I say imperfect because if it were perfect it wouldn’t be any fun trying to fix it and make it better for everyone I just can’t thank everyone enough. This cold showed me some of my own weaknesses and I am going to try to prepare a plan so we can be better prepared if we should get this type of cold again and get to people more quickly, I saw things freeze that normally wouldn’t, a lot of heat tape was working fine just not able to stand up to the extreme cold. Small issues (like where cables came into the home) were enough to let a freeze up happen.
Just thanks to everyone